

Abhilash Hatchery, established in 1990 is a sister concern of Angel Feeds and Farms. It is located at Edakunnu near Angamaly and it is one of the largest hatcheries in Kerala. We rear broiler and layer chicken birds . We incubate and supply around 2.5 lakhs of chickens per week. The layer breed that we supply is BV380 . This is our joint venture with the renowned Venkateshwara Hatcheries.


308 EGGS

BV 380 egg laying hens  is one of the best egg laying breed. It gives around 308 eggs per year. We rear them until they are 3.5- 4 months and sell  when they start laying eggs. We vaccinate, de-Beak and de-worm all our hens under supervision of experienced doctors. Ours is a well  established well structured organization known in this industry across India with an yearly turnover of around 70 crore having business tie-ups with various Govt-NGO’s in Kerala as well as in other states.

Angel feeds and farms, which is our sister concern manufacture cages for us. They provide cages which can accommodate from 5 to  1 lakh hens. They are specialized in self-sufficient and art of craft  cage making  that  can be used to run even micro units that can accommodate 5,10,25 or 50 hens.

Poultry items like egg and chicken takes 5th place after rice, wheat, milk and sugar in the list of things that Kerala depends for on other states .

Compared to large scale poultry farms, small scale poultry farms have an upper hand these days Owing to  population density, availability of land, climate, unemployment etc  prevailing in our state. Since products can be marketed and sold in near by places, small scale units can be a financial success within no time. This helps us  becoming self sufficient by producing enough eggs and chicken  at a very low expense.

Our scientific experts have thus come up with a modern yet simple technology by the help of technocrats to establish self reliant layer farming in Kerala, to help us produce nutritious and natural eggs and meat at optimum expense. This will successfully run a poultry farm at a very low cost and zero environmental pollution.

The answer to the quest on how we shall become self sufficient in producing eggs and chicken ends with the collective effort of small scale poultry farmers. This is implemented by establishing micro units which has 50-200 chickens and 6-120 or more egg laying hens. We aim at attaining self sufficient self reliant chemical free and natural  chicken, egg production for own consumption and balance for marketing in surrounding areas by individual households.

Angel Feeds and Farms provide these micro units with BV380 breed of egg laying hens. Apart from feeding compound layer feeds, grass, leftover food, asola, algae etc can also be fed.  Droppings of hens can be used to make  bio gas plant and the slurry collected can be used in vegetable, flower cultivation.

Buying hens and chickens for poultry farming from unreliable sources like roadside vendors and unscientific farms can contribute heavy loss to farmers. These birds cannot survive the climate change and the end result is huge loss for poultry farmers.

The egg laying hens and chickens we provide are BV380 that comes from Venkiteshvara Hatcheries which has 40 years of scientific experience in this field. The best eggs are selected and are incubated in most modern hatcheries. Then the best chicks are selected and vaccinated at regular intervals until they reach the egg laying period, that is 4 and half months. They are then distributed directly to such micro units. Only a very few hatcheries in India has such most modern technologies.




MR.C.D GEOGY  is an active member and former general secretary of Kerala poultry farmers association. The establishment ABILASH hatcheries under his earnest leadership aims to enable the state gaining self- sufficiency in terms of quality chicken and egg.

ANGEL farm is a sister concern of the former that acts as an active distributor of backyard color birds to Kerala state poultry development corporation and animal husbandry department for the past several years.

MR.C.D.GEOGY is an active participant for past several years in south Asian poultry exhibition in Thailand which happens in every two years. His presence is conspicuous in seminars and conclaves representing as an Indian delegate. His role was prominent in world poultry congress of September 2016 in Beijing China. He was one among the four delegates representing our state.

His poultry farm and premises have been facilitated as a platform for various training and farm management coaching programmes to Kerala veterinary university delegates and poultry farmers in acquiring knowledge in hatchery management, cage manufacturing and layer farming

Students pursuing recently started graduation in poultry science management in veterinary universities also utilized his organizational properties for practical training.

Numerous awards and certificates won by him is a testimony to his excellence in poultry farming skills and contribution to this industry.

Award of excellence from kerala veterinary university, mannuthy ,trichur , award given by dooradarshan for the prominent farmer are few of them.

The contemporary farm facilities of the enterprise were telecasted by prominent television channels viz dooradarshan, darshana and asianet .



  • Uniting micro units into a macro establishment by extending helping hand to numerous homemakers to earn extra income all over the state.
  • Uniting small scale poultry farmers to produce the best and nutritious eggs, meat and creating a market chain to sell these products.
  • To help households to produce biogas and fight the ever increasing gas prices.
  • To empower women by providing an income and uniting them.



Enriching small farmers and landless labour families through a more holistic and self-reliant approach not only in terms of improvement of income, employment and nutritional status but also in terms of fostering community development and gender empowerment by giving right impetus to rural development’ using back yard poultry


